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What to Expect as the U.K. Changes Prime Ministers

·1 min

When there is a clear opposition victory in Britain, the transition of power takes place with ruthless speed. The Cabinet Manual sets out the official guidance on the process. It states that the incumbent prime minister and government will immediately resign, and the leader of the winning party will be invited to form a government. The transition typically occurs on a Friday morning. The departing prime minister poses for photographs with their family in Downing Street before giving a final speech. They then resign in a private meeting with the monarch. The new prime minister, usually accompanied by news helicopters, arrives shortly after to meet with the monarch. A photographed handshake takes place, followed by another prime ministerial speech in Downing Street. The new prime minister moves into No. 10 Downing Street, and appointments for other ministers are made. The full cabinet is expected to be announced in the evening.